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Sonic Journal 002

A second track for this new series. Simply close your eyes and travel with the sound. 🙂

Sonic Journal 001

I have been thinking about this series for a while. Now, it is time to get it started. As the title suggests, this is a journal of my musical experiments. A free flow of ideas, recorded as they happen, and feel, in the moment of their emergence. Hope you enjoy!

I will make this series available on streaming platforms, as volumes of 10 songs. Until then, I’m doing this DIY exploration, saving time for the creation of more pieces.

Turning Leaves

Turning Leaves A. The first of 4 paintings inspired by the seasonal colours, and the title of a book that I’m reading. “Moon of the Turning Leaves” by Waubgeshig Rice.

11×14 inches. Acrylic on heavyweight stock for finished artwork. October 2024.

Who is Riding?

Now that the kids have grown up, I have a full box of crayons at my disposal. 🙂 I may be doing more colour doodling for a little while.

9×12 inches. Crayons on Mixed Media Paper. Vellum Surface.


Following the movements created by the interaction of the blade, with the paper.

In the blurry waters, lies a source of life

11×14 inches. Acrylic on heavyweight stock for finished artwork. February 2024.


Over the river, the moon shines
Along the ridge, the stream sings

11×14 inches. Acrylic on heavyweight stock for finished artwork. February 2024.

Nature Observations – Untitled

I have been reading a lot, lately. Books about: spirituality, philosophy, poetry,… One of the common theme is the connection with nature. While reading all of this inspirational content, I have been sketching a lot very minimalistic organic shapes. Intentionally reducing the busyness while looking at the details, of the surrounding elements.

I feel that I will be sharing more of those.